S2 ep.2 – How to fill up your field with YOU



This episode is the answer to a question I received on the gram:

‘how can I protect my energy / repel bad energy?’

This episode is the answer to a question I received on the gram:

‘how can I protect my energy / repel bad energy?’

What this question equates to energetically, is 'how you can still be empathetic towards others feeling without taking their emotions on as you own?'.

IN the episode, I address

- how to find inner peace by using your energy to fill up the field around you.

- how to be more you, without allowing the emotions / energy of another to affect you in a harmful / destructive way.

Hint > Filling up your field with your SELF leads to less of another being able to fill your field.

ps. my soul-mentoring offering, which is a 1:1 experience in supporting you to live to your truest and fullest expression, is coming to a close within the next 2 weeks. Applications are being accepted throughout June. We will use your own unique Human Design Chart as well as your Archetypal Profile (which are both included in the 10 week experience) as a platform to co-create a life which is intentionally crafted according to your desires. ⁠


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