S4. Ep 4 – Defragmentation and Unification



I recently shared a reel on Instagram on an oral hygiene practice I love and boy did it cause a stir! I got so many messages asking about it, many wondering why, as someone who normally shares spiritual and energetic teachings, I was suddenly sharing about oral health.

Well, the short answer is: It’s all connected.

I recently shared a reel on Instagram on an oral hygiene practice I love and boy did it cause a stir! I got so many messages asking about it, many wondering why, as someone who normally shares spiritual and energetic teachings, I was suddenly sharing about oral health.

Well, the short answer is: It’s all connected. All of it. Any ritual or practice that supports the physical body has an effect on our mental, spiritual, and emotional lives.

How many times have you neglected your physical health in favour of cultivating transcendence? How many times have you negated your emotions because ‘the show must go on’. How many times have you meditated, cleansed, saved, smoked, only to realise the money mind is in still full swing.

It takes a certain amount of audacity to realign and defragment from an un-useful way of being.

Let’s explore this together.

What we talk about:

  • Why physical health is so connected to spiritual practice

  • The oral health reel that caused such a stir on IG

  • How exactly build up of toxins in the body translates to spiritual and emotional issues
What first brought me to yoga, and why I actually got out of it

  • The four fragments of you and how they’re connected

  • What happens when we de-fragment

  • What I’ve noticed in the spiritual and wellness industry over the past few years

  • Our initiations and how they relate to the pieces of ourselves

  • How I support people through their fragmentation in my mentoring business

  • How to use cleansing practices for the whole of you - physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental

Mentions & Resources:

The Oral Hygiene Reel that caused a stir

Oral Hygiene blog

8 Limbed Path of Yoga

Work with Arianna 1:1

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