S4. Ep 6 – Perceptions Can Change In The Blink Of An Eye



We believe we are in control of life when in fact, we control nothing but our perceptions.

Our perceptions are the way in which we regard, understand, or interpret something. They’re subjective and given the chance, naturally change all the time (because we are ever-evolving). What we perceive and believe today, can change in the blink of an eye, rendering that same belief irrelevant or moot tomorrow.

We believe we are in control of life when in fact, we control nothing but our perceptions.

Our perceptions are the way in which we regard, understand, or interpret something. They’re subjective and given the chance, naturally change all the time (because we are ever-evolving). What we perceive and believe today, can change in the blink of an eye, rendering that same belief irrelevant or moot tomorrow.

The thing is that we can find ourselves in a situation where we identify with (and get stuck in) any one of our perceptions.

As such we forget to reassess and recalibrate, and can live IN a perception that isn’t the truth for us - this means that we can live in an outdated truth.

If you’re devoted to evolution, then being open to evolve would seem like an obvious choice.

THE QUESTION is - do you value change ?

Can you honour the changing tides within yourself ?

Impermanence is a natural law of the universe. We see it in unfold effortlessly in nature.

Can we apply those same laws to our ideas, thoughts, ways of living and being, thinking and relating?

If you try want to consciously create a different life for yourself, you will be required to untangle from unconscious belief patterns that you’re not even aware of yet.

Much like untangling a knot in a necklace, piece by piece, loosening the delicate threads so that you can reveal the glistening golden remains.

This take time and effort, and we have to pour our energy and love on it.

We have to envision wearing the necklace, kink and knot-free, that’s what gives us patience and focus to see it through.

In the untangling that is our perceptions, We have to tend to our nervous system in a way that allows for the evolution and growth. It requires the same amount of patience and focus.

Paradoxically, it looks on the outside like - DOING LESS.

But in effect, you’re intentionally directing your own perceptions in the direction we WANT TO GO. Leading ourselves. Not being led by someone else’s narrative (and by someone else I mean our internal programs).

If you focus on the the knots, and how many there are, and how it’s taking to undo, then all you’ll get is more knots, more frustrated and more distressed.

The same goes for life > If you concentrate on all the things you don't want, on all the things you don't have enough of, that is what you will create more of. So start by creating what you do want by crafting a wild yet clear vision; see yourself wearing that glistening golden thread around your neck.

Be prepared to analyse your perceptions minute by minute. Detach from them entirely to asses as to whether they’re your truth still, and then (bit by bit) take the steps to unravel from ego-identities that are keeping you small.

You might consider hiring a coach to support you in this unravelling. It might speed up and lighten up the process for you. Together, we will dive deeper

What we talk about:

  • How when we think we’ve chosen something for life (even small things) we box ourselves in and find ourselves in an outdated perception

  • Impermanence as a law of nature

  • How effortless change can be and why ‘doing less’ doesn’t necessarily mean you’re actually doing less

  • The impact of words like ‘always’ and ‘never’

  • What’s required to create a conscious life

  • Untangling our perceptions, and the impact of our nervous system

Mentions & Resources:

Work with Arianna 1:1

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