My Garden, Meridians, and the art of cutting back to flourish 🌿

It's a beautiful sunny day here in the Hunter Valley.

The breeze is softly blowing, with warm blue skies hovering overhead.

Spring is certainly here.

I'm sat watching our trusted gardeners trim our garden back.

The wild growth that happened whilst we were away had me absolutely flabbergasted. There were parts of the garden that were completely 'newly' covered.

Weeds the size of small shrubs grew out of no-where and High green foliage turned red.

Nature truly is awe-some.

Trimming and Hedging our little backyard is necessary. Not only does it help in the upkeep of our nature-haven, but cutting back leaf growths (trimming) allows nutrients to be concentrated on healthier parts of the plant. This helps plants to branch out and also encourages growth of new buds, letting our shrubs take in more air and sunshine, which are needed to keep them healthy and sturdy.

Just as our garden requires care, we too, require nurturing.

We also require 'cutting back' parts that are draining our energy.

By nurturing ourselves, we in return, can care for others, for living creatures, for the world around us.

But it starts with us first.

We need to “water, trim, hedge and care-for" ourselves, and the fields in which we live.

All the fields.

The physical fields and also the energetic and emotional fields too.

We are born understanding this - our need for “nurturing”, and how powerful this practice is. Each of our relationships and experiences in life provides yet one more area through which we encounter and often confront the power that our nurturing nature has to offer us.

And as we all learn how to truly nourish our energy and emotions towards this practice of true nourishment (especially when it's towards ourselves) we find that it can feel as lofty and delicate as psychic mist or like e a block of ice, containing frozen memories for a life time.

Over the last two years, I've been leaning on a nurturing practice that's served me in ways that I can't yet put in words. This practice uses time, stillness, essential oils and specific meridian points on the physical body.

Let me explain meridian points to you quicks, so that we're all on the same page:

Just like the garden, with each plant's root system growing far and wide under the surface, the human body is an energetic system with channels that serve as rivers of energy—or rivers of light—to provide structure for the body. These channels interconnect the physical universe with the pulsing, living tissues inside of us.

Over five thousand years ago, the Chinese discovered a set of subtle energy channelsthat look like rivers flowing through the body. These channels are called meridians.

This perception led to one of the oldest forms of medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, which represents the basis of Eastern medicine. The treatment modalities based upon them are meridian-based therapies, which assist in the delivery of chi, the subtle energy required for life.

Knowledge of these meridians gave rise to a complex and highly evolved medical system, based less on anatomy than on holism, the perception that a person is a whole being, not a collection of parts.

The basic tenet of meridian therapy is that you must treat the root cause of a presenting problem—body, mind, spirit, and emotions—rather than only the symptoms.

The ancient Chinese imagined a person as a circle rather than an assemblage of units. But this circle does not encompass only the individual. Each person—each living organism—is interconnected within a universal matrix.

What is “in here” is essentially connected to everything “out there.”

Traditional meridian therapy draws upon the five-phase theory. This idea is complex, a cumulative explanation of meridian-based therapies. In contrast to the ideas behind allopathic medicine, the five-phase theory describes the relationship between all things, rather than outlining independent factors.

If everything is interconnected, then you can hardly speak of / address one thing without it having an affect on another / the other.

Imagine a spiderweb: when you pull on one string, it inadvertently affects the other side, and if the spider or its prey are somewhere along the web, they too, will notice a change, the movement, a flutter that vibrationally shifts the space they're inhabiting.

Besides expressing that everything reduces to five basic elements, it asserts four other major ideas:

> yin and yang, or polar opposites;

> the internal and external sources of disease;

> the cyclical order of life, as revealed in the cycles of the seasons;

> and the existence of channels of energy that distribute the chi—the meridians.

The five-phase theory explains the exact nature of “beingness”—the self as an energy being.

What began as an esoteric theory is now emerging as verifiable science, as research explains the meridians as transporters of chemical, electrical, and etheric energies.

Mapping meridians thermographically (measuring heat), electronically, and radioactively with modern technology, studies and applications of these amazing streams of energy are closing the gap between Eastern and Western thought.

Just as the meridians are energetic in nature, so are they physical in nature—and influence. Just as we are physical, so are we energetic.

If this all intrigues you, then I wanted to invite you to join me in a program called Aroma Point Mastery. It's a program that I myself have taken twice, and am enrolled for a third time this year.

The program is run by Tiffany Carole (you can listen to a podcast ep. I recorded with Tiffany).

We're getting ready to embark on the next Aroma Point Mastery journey. The course starts in October but folks can register through the end of November.

Aroma Point Mastery (APM) is the Transformation and Soulful Facilitation Through Essential Oils and Meridian Points. The APM Program takes place over 9 months and will leave you positively changed for life. This isn't just another training, this is a journey of self to Self: A journey of integrations and creations.

It's an opportunity to gestate and birth the next expression of yourself and your offerings in the world, with loving Guidance and Community support.

Aroma Point Mastery gives you the knowledge to powerfully combine both key acupoints and essential oils to transform imbalance on the physical, emotional, and mental levels for adults, children, and teens.

You can help transform trans-generational trauma for those who want and need it.

This modality magnifies and clarifies your oil infused creations; helping them to be and become effective 'change agents' in the world.

Now you know by now that I don't spruik programs willy-nilly.

I take great care in making sure that what / who I DO offer to you as my community, has been tried and tested, and that it works as it's meant to.

The fact that I'm doing this program for a third time speaks volumes.

If you have any questions about the program, please reach out and I can answer them for you.

This is my link to join through.

I'm a proud affiliate, and will receive a little gifts of thanks from Tiffany for sharing APM with my community.

Last year, I worked alongside Tiffany in the APM Course to help facilitate the work amongst a small group of attendees.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be doing the same again this year, but I will say that anyone who enrols through this link, will receive personal support from me throughout the program (should you need / want it) because it's so much fun going through this content with a witness to hold you as you traverse some sticky terrain.

I can't wait for it to start again.

Each time I go through it, I feel like I peel layers of generational energetic-debt.

What will this time around hold?

Only time will tell

Arianna Pienaar