Why is Energy Medicine so important ?

As we bridge the worlds of science and spirituality to discover a holistic, grounded approach to working with our energy bodies, we experience the full spectrum of our power. And as we speak about congruence and alignment, we must remember that in order to achieve a sense of expansion and harmony, we must bring our body, emotions, relationships and creativity into service of our Soul. 

But how?

To awaken and empower oneself is to bring about self-healing in a way that not only deals with traumas and wounds, but also brings us back into the present moment, so that we may live FULLY and completely in the NOW.

One of the most direct and powerful ways to achieve this level of healing is through integrating the energies in and around your body — the vital energies that run up and down your spine and emanate in all directions.

Many Eastern Traditions have recognised the energy system as technology that translates Universal Energy into your very unique expression, embodied by you, and expressed by your emotions, your heart, your voice and your mind. The energy centres are the way your soul manifests what happens in your life.

And considering the effect of stagnated energy, one would consider that opening channels for your energy to flow through, could arguably be one of THE most important responsibilities we have as human beings. 

Throughout our childhood and through life experiences, we often constrict or block our energy. 

For example, if we received criticism after sharing how we feel, we might close down our throat center, which would limit our creative expression or our ability to speak up for ourselves. 

If we were scolded for being assertive, we might close down our power center.

This is how your mind impacts your energy system and body. When traumas, unhealed wounds, and our negative perceptions of our experiences aren’t reconciled, they can fester, which may lead to long-term imbalances in our energy system, which then manifests into dis-ease and or disease.

And whilst it's helpful at times to work through talk therapy, it’s important to address underlying niggles in your energy system, which have a direct impact on your day-to-day life.  

Cleansing your energy daily is as important as eating green.  By learning how to integrate energy medicine into your life, you’ll have access to your inner power, which inevitably supports personal healing. Not only do you take responsibility for your own evolution. You act as a catalyst for the healing and evolution of our world because you have access to the total spectrum of your energy.

When you’re plugged into the juicy-present moment, you naturally become a powerful creator, and your ability to open to your higher Self and live according to your Soul’s Agreement is possible for you because you’re’ tapped-in’, ‘in-the-zone’, and focussed on that which requires your attention. 

You’re able to go within and address the wounds or gaps in your energy system., and  transform the distortions, releasing false identities and beliefs along the way. This is how you step into the powerhouse  you are meant to be.

Many spiritual systems of Liberation will ask that you find your centre. 

It’s important that in so-doing, you create space for ALL of you. Not just the distortions, issues and kinks in your personal psychology, but rather a sense of your one inner ecology, and how that marries up with the Collective.

The ancients believed that you can access Universal Intelligence and Source Energy through the psycho-spiritual map that is your energy system. 

At the deepest level, this system is designed for unifying Father Sky and Mother Earth within your body, and in your energy field, so that you can radiate and bask in your divinity.

Many people who work in this field, have only a superficial understanding of this sacred system. I know because I was once one of them. They think that the energy map which they know of, is merely pretty colours, crystal sound bowls and fancy sanskrit words. They haven’t been taught how to fully tap into and work WITH its transformative potential.