The Energetic Applications of the oils from the BOGO BOX (June 2022)

SUBTLE AROMATHERAPY is the use of essential oils in non-physical ways, it can be described as a form of vibrational healing, by drawing on the subtle, energetic or vibrational qualities of essential oils.

Essential oils are crystalline structures that carry light. They vibrate, and cause selective synchronous vibration; they are electromagnetic, as we are ourselves. They are thought to travel through the interstitial fluid and the extra-cellular spaces in our bodies – the space between the cells, where the molecules of emotion may also travel, as described by psycho-immunologist Candace Pert in Molecules of Emotions. It’s no wonder that fragrance has been used since the beginning of time to connect people with the divine, lifting us to finer, higher vibrations, in touch with wider consciousness. 

More on the blog here

and watch this 38 minute recording of the energetic applications of the oils pictured in the tile below.

For more info on working with Subtle Aromatherapy; join the waitlist for LESSONS IN TRUTH (my energy medicine mentorship) or APPLY TO WORK WITH ME privately HERE

All of the oil products included in the bogo box discussed in detail.

Applications demonstrated and short practices provided.

Holistic Health and Wellness Practitioner working with plant medicine on all levels including Mental, Emotional and Spiritual realms helping us all returning to self-love, self-acceptance and deep compassion for self and others. I'm not sure if doTERRA meant to do this - but these oils are all about the energetics of leadership, healing and cohesion.


3:40 - Lavender Peace Blend

7:17 - Tea tree 10:35 - Hinoki

16:20 - Lemon Myrtle

20:50 - Eucalyptus

25:59 - Balance Blend

28:20 - Rosemary

30:33 - Magnolia

31:34 - Neroli

33:44 - Turmeric



OR contact Arianna for a custom-made kit:

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Listen to the Ari P Podcast: