Flower Remedies for Fear

A lack of harmony in the mental or spiritual body will eventually, if not tended to, lead to physical illness.  

To have the life you truly want and deserve, you have to heal from any issues that are holding you back. Some may be emotional, others may be physical and yet others may be mental. But all of them are rooted in energy. 

Flower remedies is a system of healing in its most simplest form. It has the power to pluck dis-ease out by the root, and because nature is simple, our approach to health and healing should be too.

The remedies work by normalising vibrations, allowing the energies of the physical and subtle bodies to flow without resistance. This enables us to be able to respond appropriately in all circumstances.

As a global community, we’re currently in the throws of tending to many different types and kinds of fear.

Flower remedies can support you through bouts of fear, to help you remove the emotional charge that fear can often impulse through your body and experience.

Mood-remedies can be taken as a single remedy per mood. Simply pick the remedy you need in the moment and follow the dosage recommendations at the bottom of this post.

I often lean on the following five flower remedies to support me through fear states:

Mimulus, Red Chestnut, Aspen, Rock Rose & Cherry Plum

Mimulus for the specific fears and everyday anxieties of all things going wrong (that which we can name). Also associated with those who are nervous and or shy & who blush easily. Whenever you are frightened or anxious about something, and you can say what that ‘something’ is, then Mimulus is the remedy to take.

Examples include the fear: of public speaking, of the dark, of aggressive dogs, of illness and pain. Phobias can also be Mimulus fears if the cause of the fear – whether spiders, birds or open spaces – can be named.

Aspen for when something seems wrong but we can’t quite put our finger on what that is exactly.

Mimulus and Aspen together - The fear and anxiety of the dark, which comes and goes without any rhyme or reason. No logical explanation or pattern to see coming. (particularly helpful for mamma-bears to know this)

Mimulus but not Aspen - When the fear of the dark which needs to be faced and is predictable and consistent in occurrence. (particularly helpful for mamma-bears to know this)

Rock Rose for terror, paralysis or panic. When the thing happening is so frightening that the person is incapable of dealing with it. Taken to reawaken the will so that we can face the terror and deal with it. I’ve had situations when I panicked and didn’t know what to do with my panic. This is when Rock Rose has come in handy. Also, I am prone to suffering from night terrors, and take Rock Rose to deal with the frightening experiences. Rock Rose is used in emergencies.

Red Chestnut – over-concern for the welfare of and wellbeing of loved ones. Examples include: the husband afraid when his wife goes out alone after dark; the mother fretting over what may happen to her child at school.

Red Chestnut fears are natural, normal concerns magnified to the point where they have a negative effect on the people who are the object of concern, undermining their confidence and self-belief.  When we are in this state the remedy helps us send out calm, unworried thoughts to our loved ones, so that instead of making everyone anxious we are rocks on whom others lean.

Red Chestnut can also be helpful when you lose lost sight of rational thought and think the worst of any given situation.

Cherry Plum - Fear of the mind being over-strained, of reason giving way, of doing fearful and dreaded things, not wished and known wrong, yet there comes the thought and impulse to do them.

Cherry Plum is one of the remedies that Dr Bach grouped together under the heading Fear.

The Cherry Plum fear is very specific: it is the fear that one is going to lose control of oneself and do something dreadful, such as injuring others or harming oneself. Fears of going mad and of acting irrationally are Cherry Plum states.

Cherry Plum is also the remedy for a loss of control that has already taken place, because of the frantic fear and dread associated with such situations. Think of the fear a small child feels in the grip of a screaming, irrational tantrum: this too is a Cherry Plum state.

Cherry Plum is one of the ingredients in Dr Bach’s original crisis formula, which he put together for emergency use.

Cherry Plum is also helpful after a romantic relationship break-up when one experiences a lack of emotional control and / or hysteria. 


Option One: dilute two drops of each remedy into a 30ml dropper bottle and top up with mineral water. From this mixed bottle take four drops at a time, at least four times a day.

Option Two: Alternatively put the two drops into a glass of water, and sip from that at intervals. When putting the remedies in a glass of water, then, you are probably taking more than you need, but it gives you a margin for error. You can sip from the glass without worrying about how big the glass is or how much water is in it or how much of the water you have drunk, because even one sip from the largest glass will give you the minimum dose.

Option Three: If you don’t have any water to dilute your remedy in, you can also take 2 drops direct in the mouth.


The amount of remedy is not important as long as the minimum dose is taken. The minimum dose is the amount you get if you take four drops from a mixing bottle.

Taking larger doses at one time doesn’t have a stronger effect; but if you are going through a crisis you can take more frequent doses to get through it.

Take one dose or a couple of doses until you feel better and not in need of the remedy.

To Summarise:

Cherry Plum - loss of emotional control eg: a child screaming in a temper tantrum,

Red Chestnut - irrational thoughts and or behavior about a loved one’s safety eg: a mother worried because her son is home late from school,

Mimulus - the remedy for known fears eg: the fear of contracting tonsillitis whenever you experienced a sore or scratchy throat or a jogger scared of a dog.

Rock Rose - suffering from night terrors eg: a child screaming in terror after waking from a nightmare.

Rescue Remedy / The Crisis Mix - nervous tensions, shock, fear and anxiety. eg: passer-by shaken up after witnessing an accident.

Aspen - Feeling uneasy eg: someone anxious because it is Friday the 13th and something may happen.

  • All the above remedies are linked to a trusted Australian retailer. Enter in the code ARIANNA for 10% discount with all purchases.

Flower Remedy Consultation with Arianna Pienaar

Arianna is available for Flower Remedy consultations on phone /zoom sessions.

This is the holistic approach in a nutshell, and the focus on the whole person is the main difference between holism and orthodox Western medicine. Holism puts forward the view that spirit, mind and body are interconnected in countless subtle ways.

Holistic medicine seeks to view and treat people in their entirety so as to address all aspects of their lives at once. Some methods, such as reflexology and acupuncture, direct the majority of their attention to physical problems, but do so using a system that also affects the mental and spiritual side of our beings. Others seek to prescribe for both levels at once. Homoeopathy is a good example of the latter, with its mix of physical and mental symptomatology.

Working with Flower Remedies means taking a third route. Diagnosis and treatment happen on the level of emotion, spirit and mind, on the theory that balance here will in turn affect the health of the body. Emotional states are used as the key to unlock the body’s natural capacity to heal itself.

When we have your flower remedy consultation we will define your current state of being and also where you’d like to be, along with bearing witness to the patterns of trauma you may be carrying in your sub-conscious.

* A session includes two custom remedies.

Some people find it difficult to identify the appropriate emotion and therefore the ideal remedy to take. Allow Arianna to help you support you towards your own state of wholeness.

To book a session with Arianna, click the button allow and follow the prompts.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA / TGA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.**

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