Posts in Virtues of the Heart
EP 38 - The AND principle when it comes to YOU

According to neuroscience, events that happened to our ancestors generations ago can continue to shape our experience in the present.

Generational trauma, also called intergenerational trauma and transgenerational trauma, is passed down through generations in families through genetic changes to a person's DNA after they experience trauma.

I didn’t mean to get so heavy within the first few lines of this page, but it’s a reality that is often overlooked when going down a path of self-discovery. It’s never really just about you.

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S4. Ep 6 - Perceptions Can Change In The Blink Of An Eye

We believe we are in control of life when in fact, we control nothing but our perceptions.

Our perceptions are the way in which we regard, understand, or interpret something. They’re subjective and given the chance, naturally change all the time (because we are ever-evolving). What we perceive and believe today, can change in the blink of an eye, rendering that same belief irrelevant or moot tomorrow.

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S4. Ep 3 - Loving Kindness (What I know for sure)

Kindness and patience are qualities that should not be understood as individual acts that we “do”, such as an “act of kindness” or “patience in the moment.” Eventually we awaken to the realisation that these are graces that reside within us, subtly reshaping an act of kindness into a person of kindness. Let's explore what these can look like in your life, and how you can carve out some reflection space and time to recognise it for yourself through a practice of loving-kindness.

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