What is Human Design and Why Is It Important for Manifesting the Life of your Soul’s desires ?

I’m guessing you're not new to manifestation, but sometimes when you delve deeply into something, you lose track of the finer details of how it actually works, and also, the more we learn, the deeper we go. I myself experience varying levels of embodying energy alchemy, slowing down (even more) to speed up, and the art of co-creation and active surrender.

The thing is, that if you consider yourself a near-expert, you're might be too embarrassed to ask questions about gaps that you have in your knowledge / understanding.

Don't worry, that's what this article and I are for. 

I will explain my manifestation method called Soul School, which is an alternative to the Old NEW Age models of Manifestation Techniques, and I’ll teach you why you need to know all about it to succeed in living your own unique Soul’s BluePrint.

But first, let’s clear up an important question:

What is Human Design (HD)?

At its most basic, Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and the chakra system with modern science, including genetics and quantum physics, to create a holistic personality assessment tool.

It's based on the idea that each person is born with a unique design that determines their strengths, weaknesses, and purpose in life. This design is represented by a Bodygraph, which is a visual representation of the individual's energy centers and how they interact with each other.

Human Design offers insights into how people make decisions, communicate, and interact with the world around them. It can help you understand your innate gifts and talents, as well as the challenges you may face in life. By aligning with your unique design, you can live more authentically and in harmony with your true nature.

Metaphysically, Human Design is based on the premise that each person's life is influenced by a unique energetic pattern or blueprint. This blueprint is determined at the moment of your birth and is a combination of genetic, astrological, and energetic factors.

This energetic blueprint shapes your personality, behaviour, and life experiences.

It’s a BIG DEAL!

The HD system suggests that by understanding and aligning with this blueprint, you’ll live more authentically and effectively because there are specific strategies and ways of operating that are natural to YOU, and by following these strategies, you’ll experience more fulfilment, purpose and ease as you go about living your life.

That’s not to say that you’ll negate challenges or won’t be sad, frustrated, angry or lost at times, but knowing how to bounce-back from these experiences (and in time and with practice, skip them altogether) you’ll have the tools and where-with-all to dodge them with grace, or embrace them with poise.

In essence, Human Design is a metaphysical framework that seeks to explain the underlying energetic dynamics of human life and provide guidance on how to navigate them to live a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.

If you're only at the first level of understanding, rest assured, once you know your own design and blueprint, it’ll all make sense because all you really need to know is how YOU operate in the world and what YOU were here to create, be and do.

If you want to learn more from me; Check out my 8-week coaching offering, called SoulSchool not yet published or released to the world yet. I’ve sent this email to a few of my previous clients, of which spots have been snapped up already.

Why Should You Care About Human Design?

I'm all about ease, flow, and doing things that you’re called to do because you WANT TO, and I can't make you care about Human Design as a method and tool to learn overall, but let me give you some compelling reasons to make it a part of your manifestation strategy.

Human Design is important because:

  1. Know yourself better so that you can live your life the way that makes you happy: It provides a unique and detailed insight into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life path, offering a valuable tool for you to live your life as you were energetically designed. 

  2. Enjoy your relationships, and know how to tend to the ones that are challenging: By understanding your own design, you can improve your communication and relationships for that which matters to you most whether it be for personal or professional interactions.

  3. Live your Life On-Purpose: Because at birth you were given a set of skills, by knowing your chart, you’re easily able to align with your true nature and life purpose by using these skills, which means you’ll live a more fulfilling and authentic life.

  4. Make decisions with clarity of mind and heart: Did you know that you’re designed to make decisions in a very specific way? You may be forcing yourself into making decisions before you’re ready to, or perhaps you’re holding off on gut-feels because you’ve been taught to ‘sit on it’. By knowing your Design, you’re able to lean into your own energetic pull, which’ll support you to be your most authentic self, leading to greater clarity and direction in life choices.

  5. Make a Positive Contribution to your family, community and (if you’re so inclined) the world: By understanding and living according to your unique design, you’ll effortlessly contribute to the collective evolution of humanity (I know this is a big one but it’s true), ushering in the new way of living and loving. 

PS: Don't think that just because you know your design, you’re living it. 

the most outstanding thing about living your (human) design is ..

the way you can rest knowing that you’re where you’re meant to be, with whom, and doing your lifes work.


You’ll know you're not living in alignment with your Human Design, because you may experience a sense of disconnection, frustration, and un-fulfilment. This can manifest in various ways, like: feeling stuck, experiencing challenges in relationships or struggling to find meaning and purpose.

De-conditioning from societal pressures and expectations is a key aspect of aligning with your Human Design. Society often imposes norms and beliefs that may not resonate with your true nature, leading to a sense of being ‘out of sync’ with oneself.

As an example (shared with permission), I had a client, let’s call her Mindy, who’s HD Chart told her that she thrives in work environments with flexibility and variety, allowing her to explore different interests and approaches. She loves to sing, but her parents weren’t too sure about her career as a musician, and because of this because of the pressures she felt from her family (which she says are closely tied to cultural and societal expectations), she pursued a career path that feels rigid and monotonous (accounting), with little room for creativity or exploration.

Mindy came to me because she was feeling unfulfilled, restless, and disconnected from her true passions and talents. She struggled with burnout and felt ‘stuck in a life that doesn't feel aligned with who I truly am’

To decondition we did some Neurolinguistic Programming to recognise that the expectations and pressures that led her down this path were not in alignment with her authentic self. 

We then explored ways to reintegrate flexibility and variety into her life, by pursuing hobbies and side projects that allow for creative expression.

Sprinkle your Joys throughout your life


This led to her seeking out side hustles and hobbies that align with her natural inclinations.

Through this process of de-conditioning, Mindy began to live more authentically and in alignment with her Human Design, leading to a greater sense of fulfilment and purpose, which made her happier, more jovial, and in turn a better employee at her job.

Learning about her creative side didn’t mean she quit her job as an accountant, but she found ways to unleash her creative side with singing groups and teaching gigs, which filled her cup at so she had more tolerance for all the parts of her life that made her feel stuck.

De-conditioning for Mindy involved recognising and shedding the external influences so that she could lean in and do the things that make her happy.

It required introspection, self-awareness, and a willingness to question deeply ingrained beliefs and cultural norms, coupled with her behaviours.

Human Design in Context 

How your Human Design Chart affects you is just as important as understanding what exactly HD is and why it's essential.

Let me give you a real-world example:

Imagine someone with a Human Design chart that reveals a need for solitude and reflection to make decisions effectively. BUT … this person works in a fast-paced, collaborative environment where quick decision-making and constant interaction are the norm.

In this scenario, understanding their Human Design chart is crucial because it explains why they might feel overwhelmed and drained in their current work environment. Despite their efforts, they struggle to make decisions confidently and often feel out of sorts because the pace at which everyone else works at, feels overstimulating and disorienting.

By recognising the importance of their Human Design chart, this person may realise that they need to create more opportunities for solitude and reflection in their workday. They might schedule regular breaks for quiet time or seek-out projects that allow for more autonomy and contemplation.

Understanding and honouring their Human Design can help them thrive in their work environment and lead to greater overall satisfaction and success.

JOIN US ON RETREAT IN THE HUNTER VALLEY (NSW) IN MAY 2024, and receive an in-depth audio recording of your chart so you can learn everything I speak of in this post, and apply it to your life.

My client Diana applies her gift of creating momentum whenever she begins a new project. She is so good at creating systems that she documents it all at once, and then hands it over to her team so that she can go ahead and start exploring new and exciting interests instead of doing the same thing over and over again, risking boredom in the process. She didn't think it was possible for this type of creative freedom to help her build a business that keeps her on her toes (the way she likes it)

Two of my friends, Bec and Danyel, are brilliant examples of women who use their HD Chart in Action. Have a look over here for how Bec has taken her Unicorn Reflector Gifts, and offers a 28 Day Booze-less Reset. The reason Bec is perfect for this ‘role’ is because her HD Chart considers her to be a mirror to the world, reflecting back the energy of those around her. She has a unique ability to deeply empathize with others and understand their experiences from a non-judgmental perspective. 

And what about Danyel, who is a Generator in HD. Her energy, vitality, and ability to engage deeply in work she is passionate about makes her well-suited for roles that require a high level of dedication, such as Clinical Nutritionist & Functional Medicine Practitioner.

Steps for finding out your Human Design:

Raise your hand if you’re still feeling lost or you think you can't apply this. Be honest! 🙋‍♀️

That's no problem; here are some steps to get you on your way:

Step #1: Grab your date of birth, exact time of birth, place of birth.

Step #2: Go to this link over here, REGISTER FOR A free account and enter in your EXACT details. In Human Design, having your exact birth date and birth time is crucial because your chart is calculated based on these specific details. The positions of the planets and other celestial bodies at the moment of your birth are used to create your chart, which provides insights into your unique personality, strengths, challenges, and life path. 

Your birth date and exact birth time determine the positions of the Gates and Channels in your chart, which are key components of Human Design. These Gates and Channels (which i focus on more than anything else in my readings) represent different aspects of your personality and life experiences, and their positions are determined by the precise moment of your birth.  Without accurate birth date and birth time information, your Human Design chart would not accurately reflect your unique design. This could lead to misinterpretations and inaccurate insights into your personality and life path. So, having your exact birth date and birth time is essential for a precise and meaningful Human Design analysis.

Step #3: Connect with me here - I’ll make contact with you via email response, and we’ll set up a call to talk about the basics of your chart, and discuss ways that HD coaching coupled with NeuroLinguistic Programming can help you to move past your limitations and blocks towards the life of your dreams. 

For an in-depth look at my signature coaching experience, which delves into NeuroLinguistic Programming (and so much more) you can read this page over here.

Key Takeaways

Let's wrap this up, shall we?

The key takeaways to remember from this post are Human Design and NeuroLinguistic Programming (de-conditioning in lightning speed) can be combined to align your actions and intentions with your authentic self, reprogram your subconscious mind, and tap into Universal energy to manifest the life of your soul's desires.

In my coaching containers, whether we work together for 2 months or 2 years, I make it my heart-felt intention to support you to create space in life for the things that truly matter✨ Whether you’re moving from From BurntOut to Peace & Plenty ♡ My Pragmatic & Alchemical Coaching & Mentorship ↯ will help you to build and create a life you’re in LOVE WITH.

If you would like to work with me, please apply here.

I love connecting with my community, and have heard that the act of filling out the application form in itself has activated shifts within, that in themselves, have sparked exciting and transformative new paths.

Pssst, you can also check out my free breathwork course. It includes 7 days worth of audio lessons to help you breathe fully and completely. ““Proper breathing is the foundation of healthy living”

Click here to Join us NOW. 

Oh, and come say hi on Instagram and Subscribe to my YOUTUBE Channel and the Ari P Podcast