Holistic Health Checklist

You're working hard, but you feel like you're on the brink of burnout.
Working, pushing, striving and hustling, when your body needs to rest.

Here are a few holistic health practices that you can bring into your life.
They have, time and time again, been touch-points on my checklist.

Remember > Burnout is a state of complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. It's characterized by feelings of hopelessness and disengagement.
Sometimes, habit stacking some changes in your life, can take you from exhausted and un-inspired, to feeling hopeful and excited about life again.

Ps. If you've been trying to add these into your life, and you feel like your efforts have been somewhat unsuccessful (that being that you don't feel any different); Unified (my 1:1 coaching container) could be the perfect fit for you.

It's a holistic health coaching and mentoring program that can help you get your life back on track. This program offers a safe space for high achievers and high performers who have pushed themselves to near burnout. I'll help you restore balance in your life so that you can thrive both professionally and personally.
more info on UNIFIED here


We’ve all been there before.

We feel stressed and exhale a big sigh.

This exhale is our body letting go.

If you listen closely, you’ll hear an audible sighing sound which acts as a reminder to come back to your breath. The breath-out also encourages a calmer state.

Inhaling oxygen (nutrients) and exhaling carbon dioxide (waste) is the most important natural reflex to supporting life and your life-force.

Step one for taking care of yourself is coming back to slow, relaxed deep-belly breathing.

Notice your body communicating with you through the cadence and rhythm of your breath.

i like to start my day with a pranayama practice.


Drinking water to keep our body functioning properly is one of the simplest checks to mark off your checklist and YET, we forget to because we are looking for more complicated ways to better out health.

and yes, simply increasing your water intake (decaf herbal teas count too!) is a great start, but we can do better! We need to be mindful of what dehydrates the body. Caffeine, alcohol, smoking, and overexercising all take away from the body’s total daily level of hydration.

We need to find a balance with higher amounts of hydrating liquids and less dehydrating factors.

I fill up a jug with water, lemon juice and a pinch of Celtic sea salt to sip on throughout the day.


We consume food for energy. Finding foods that make you feel good is as individual to you and your fingerprint, but the necessary building blocks of nutrition remain the same.

Something to remember > our soils are depleted and the expectation that we will receive all our nutrients from food, can be a bit far-fetched (even if you’re eating organic).

So take your supplements and make sure you’re including basics like magnesium and omegas.

I rely on the doTERRA LLV range.


Movement looks different for everyone. It might include stretches while seated, walking in nature or around your block, or attending high-intensity activities (like a HIIT class), running, playing a sport or practicing Yoga or Pilates.

With any sort of movement practice we need to be mindful of knowing when to rest. Listening to your body is important. Your body will tell you what it needs, so listen carefully. You'll recognise your body's own signals when you feel good after an activity and when to take a break. . Try not to allow your mind to play tricks on you.

I prefer alternating between Yoga, Pilates and Spin Cycle


Spending time in nature can be a soothing balm for the soul. One that is a full-body embodiment experience. The elements on your skin, the scent of the soil, trees, leaves and flora can create a pathway to the deepest crevices in our psyche.

Being in fresh air can reduce stress and anxiety and promote a sense of calmness.

I like to bring nature indoors by diffusing tree essential oils during the day.


Humans are (mostly) a social species. For a lot of us, keeping in touch with others is important for our wellbeing. When we are connected to people that we feel safe with or care about, our nervous system reflects it.

Our brain releases neuropeptides that circulate throughout our body. This improves how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally and can be more difficult (not impossible) to achieve when we are alone.

It is not about the number of friends but more important to have a few close people that you can count on or laugh with when times get tough.

Having a support system is key for being healthy.


This one piggy-backs on from the previous one except that we are creating connection with something that is bigger than you.

You may feel connected to a community, religion, or spiritual belief system. Feeling part of something greater, helps to give purpose to the daily tasks and stressors.

Finding purpose in one’s work, relationships, or believing in the greater good will add to your overall wellbeing.

If you're interested in simple, effective holistic approaches to improve your emotional and physical well-being, please know it doesn't need to be complicated.

You can use holistic therapies in practice to regulate your nervous system, shedding all the things that are unnecessarily stressing you out to make way for beautiful, new and exciting opportunities instead.

Unified is a holistic health coaching and mentoring program for high achievers who have pushed themselves to near burnout. This program offers a safe space for women to recover and rebuild their lives. I offer support and guidance as you work through the steps in the program, so that you can find your way back to health and happiness.