S4. Ep 3 - Loving Kindness (What I know for sure)

Kindness and patience are qualities that should not be understood as individual acts that we “do”, such as an “act of kindness” or “patience in the moment.” Eventually we awaken to the realisation that these are graces that reside within us, subtly reshaping an act of kindness into a person of kindness. Let's explore what these can look like in your life, and how you can carve out some reflection space and time to recognise it for yourself through a practice of loving-kindness.

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S3. ep.3 - Being you

From the moment we are born, we will most likely have been moulded to please others. Whether it comes from our family of origin, our carers or our culture, we often learn to put a mask on and be an actress in the movie that is our life.

Unfortunately, being someone else will hardly leave us feeling fulfilled. Fulfilment requires us to dig deep to uncover and remember a version of self that is unique, authentic and deeply expressive. If you’ve veered off the path of your own authenticity, this process will likely lead you through a fiery transformation, only to course-correct to a version of your life that was inevitably designed and destined for you.

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Emotional Intelligence Season 3 - Ep. 1

What is EQ and why is it so important?

When we think about what it means to be smart, we may think of people who do well in school, get high academic grades or have genius IQ. More and more, though, successful leaders are recognised for something arguably more important than a high intelligence quota. They also have the ability to identify, interpret and manage emotions in themselves and in other people. We call this emotional intelligence.

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S2. ep.9 - Simple Strategies for When Life Gets Tough

Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes has a few sideways thrown in too. When things go wrong or don’t go as planned, or when something happens to throw us off balance and doubt ourselves it can be tough to deal with. After all, we all want things to go well and to end up as ‘winners’. But life will always throw challenges at us, and we can’t control everything. Nor should we try. It’s not what happens to you but what you do with what happens to you that makes the difference. Here are two easy ways that you can always come out on top.

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S2. ep.8 - Yoga and Conscious Parenting with Emma Maidment

This episode of the podcast features yogi, mamma and studio owner Emma Maidment.

We talk about ways in which we can bring the teachings of Yoga into life as conscious parents and how Emma supports her 7-month old son to "keep the lights on", questioning the very mental-constructs and programs that were handed down to her by her parents.

‘Our approach to parenting is how can we keep the lights on?’

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Arianna Pienaar